

July 11 –
Aug 4, 2024

TH 7:30pm
FR/SA 2:00pm, 7:30pm
SU at 2:00pm

The Bookstore

A World Premiere written by Michael Walek

Enter a small independent bookstore in New York City, like the ones we all love to frequent and are rapidly dying out. Carey, the owner, rolls up the grate, unlocks the front door, carries in boxes, turns on the heater, turns on the kettle, turns on the lamps, her computer. And so her day begins.  Directed by William Carden.

The show logo with some extra thread.

Sep 5 –
Sep 29, 2024

TH 7:30pm
FR/SA 2:00pm, 7:30pm
SU at 2:00pm

The Other American

A World Premiere written by D.W. Gregory

Paris 1952. After tangling over politics with an American tourist, a promising art student spirals into a mental breakdown that derails his life. Thirty years later he discovers why: The tourist was a CIA operative, and the student an unwitting participant in one of the darkest chapters of the Cold War. Based on a true story. Directed by James Glossman.

The Rosenberg/ Strange Fruit Project

Oct 31 –
Nov 24, 2024

TH 7:30pm
FR/SA 2:00pm, 7:30pm
SU at 2:00pm

Your Name Means Dream

Written and Directed by José Rivera

Aislin is getting older and suffers the inevitable indignities of being human — and hates technology. Stacy, her caregiver is perfectly toned, doesn’t age, and is utterly in control — because she’s an AI entity. And there’s a new algorithm out there called AOS or Approximation of Soul. Does Stacy have it?

The Rosenberg/ Strange Fruit Project

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